Monday, November 22, 2010

Self Sabotage....

Hi Everyone,

Have you ever wondered why we do things that are not in our best interest and then sometimes do them again and again and again?  What keeps us from changing our behavior after we discover that it is not a good choice?  Is it lack of self worth?  Is it fear of failure?  Is it a lack of discipline?

I will give you a couple examples of my own self-sabotaging behavior. Spending money when I know I should be saving.  Sitting on the couch instead of doing 15-20 minutes of yoga (which I love doing by the way).

You can see that some of the behaviors that need to be changed are things that you dread doing.  The ones that concern me more....are the ones that stop you from doing things you love to do.  Those are much more worrisome to me and probably a signal that you need a big change in your life......hence my blog......

Here are a couple of things I have tried that have begun to help me break some of these cycles.
1,  Make a list of things to do each month, week and day.  About two years ago I switched from Franklin-Covey to Planner Pad.  The switch happened on the recommendation from Kimberly Wilson.  Use this link to see a wonderful video on using a planner pad - Planner Pad video.  I like it because it has the whole year in it where I could only carry 3 months at a time in my Franklin-Covey.  Everyone has their own personal likes and dislikes.

2.  Make sure you have at least one fun thing on the list each day.

3.  Become happier!!  I have found that since I started blogging, going to Meetups that interest me, meeting lots of new, fun friends, and just letting my new found creativity run wild, I have followed through with positive things in my life!!

Last year when I got my 2010 Planner Pad, I decided to take a stab at decorating it as talked about in the video.  Can I tell you how painful that was for me since I was sure I couldn't cut and paste?  I finished it and then spent two weeks wanting to take it back off....hiding it under things on my desk at work so no one would see it....having so much anxiety over it....until a friend of mine saw it and said how pretty it looked.  Voila!!  I finally felt comfortable (or at least less anxious) letting others see it.  I have had a number of people comment on it and none of them were negative.  I just used three different kinds of paper to cover the plain black cover.  I really went out on a limb and started using colored pens to write in it.  Occasionally there is some rhyme or reason to the color coding...but sometimes not.  See the pictures below...

Now...I have my 2011 planner and am much happier with my decorating attempts.  I actually can not wait to start using this one.  First I covered the plain black cover with pretty pink floral paper.  I have a beautiful canyon picture to remind me to breathe and keep all my spaces open.  I also have a picture of a lotus flower, the ultimate symbol of spirituality and pureness to me.  Everyone always needs a picture of the Eiffel Tower to dream of sitting in a cafe in Paris drinking red wine and eating delicious bread (I've ever actually been there..but that's how I picture it and it makes me happy).  Last picture on the front is a beautiful monastery in Tibet. 

On the back, I have a big, beautiful picture of Avalokiteshvara, the buddha of compassion.

Doesn't this look like fun??

Anyone can do this.  Encourage your kids to decorate their spiral notebooks for school if allowed.  Teach them to express their own style.  It so inexpensive.  I used pictures from magazine and some decorative paper I got at JoAnn's Fabric and Craft Store.  It's almost always on sale.  Of course, you can always just collage pictures you cut out or draw to cover the plain cover.  So much fun.

I hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving.  We will be celebrating on Wednesday due to the work schedules of Jacob and his friends that are joining us.  I will make sure to post pictures and recipes that I use.  Feel free to post any of your favs in the comments section.


Next Post....New Creative Projects

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